The Best Pre Workouts That Don’t Make You Tingle

Best Pre Workouts That Don't Make You Tingle

Read: The Best Pre Workouts That Don’t Make You Tingle.

Pre-workout supplements are made up of a number of various ingredients designed solely to improve your workout performance. They are the most popular catoegry of sport’s supplements due to majority of formulas containing caffeine which gives you a boost in energy. But If you have ever used a pre workout before, you may have experienced the ‘skin tingles’ or ‘itchiness’. While the ‘tingles’ can give many users motivation to train harder, it’s not for everyone.

Why does pre workout make your skin tingle and itch?

This itchiness or tingling skin sensation is caused by an ingredient called Beta-Alanine. Pre workout products that include this ingredient, especially in doses higher than 2g per serve, will most likely cause this sensation. This is due to Beta-Alanine’s side effect of causing acute paresthesia. This paresthesia will be felt as tingling, itchiness , numbness or slight burning of the skin. For some this can be annoying as it can become distracting during a workout.

is beta alanine harmful to you?

No. Plain and simple, the answer is no. Beta-alanine causing tingling has absolutely no negative impact to you or your health. Beta-alanine will normally cause this sensation if taken in a large.

How long does pre workout tingles last?

It is different for everyone, usually it starts to die off once you are moving. While others don’t feel the effects at all no matter the dose they ingest. The most common time frame is between 10-30 minutes.

Pre Workouts Without Beta Alanine

What are the benefits and How does Beta-alanine help your workout  performance?

The biggest reason us fitness enthusiasts use Beta-Alanine is the powerful effects it has on prolonging our workout endurance. Put simply, beta alanine allows us to train harder and longer. 

We recommend having a read of our Beta-Alanine Supplement Breakdown article. It explains everything you should know about the ingredient. Including what it is, the effects, the side effects and the recommended daily dosage.

Related: Beta-Alaine Supplement Breakdown

Is there any pre workouts that don’t have beta-alanine?

There definitely is a range of pre workouts that don’t include Beta-Alanine for those who just flat out, don’t want to feel itchy during their training. It is also important to note that about 99% of fat burners don’t have beta-alanine, making them a great choice for pre workout energy without the skin tingles.

Here are our top choices for pre workouts without Beta-Alanine:

Stimulant Pre Workouts



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