close grip bench press

The close grip bench press is a popular exercise targeting the triceps and chest. The main difference between this exercise and the standard bench press is that the hands and elbows are placed closer together, which places more of an emphasis on the triceps. The close-grip bench press is often used as an accessory movement for the traditional bench press, or as a triceps builder for arm training. Similar to the bench press, it can be trained in low reps for strength or higher reps for muscle or strength endurance.

  • Places extra emphasis on the triceps
  • Works the chest, particularly the inner chest
  • Some lifters find it easier on the shoulders than wider-grip bench variations

Video Source: ScottHermanFitness

  • Type: Strength
  • Main Muscle Worked: Chest
  • Equipment: Barbell
  • Level: Intermediate

Repeat for desired reps

How to do Close Grip Bench Press