lgd-4033 (ligandrol)

SARMS Article - LGD-4033 Ligandrol

It is to be made clear that Muscle Maker Supplements as well as any & all of our affiliates Do NOT recommend or condone the use of SARMS such as LGD Ligandrol or any other performance enhancing drugs as they are ILLEGAL to SELL or PURCHASE in Australia We believe that the use of ANY performance enhancing drug (PED) is entirely a personal decision & any and all information posted on Musclemaker.com.au is for research & entertainment purposes only!


LGD-4033 otherwise known as Ligandrol is a SARM. It is one of the strongest SARMs available and is used regularly by individuals due to its drastic increase of anabolic muscle building. Because of its capability to do this without displaying common side effects that occur when taking anabolic steroids it has become overwhelmingly popular. Accompanying this, LGD-4033 is one of the only SARMs to have undergone human clinical trials and produced very impressive results.


LGD-4033 is regularly referred to as the mass building SARM. It is used in the fitness and bodybuilding community by individuals who want to gain a lot of size and get stronger.

When using LGD-4033 you can expect to experience:

  • Increased muscle mass: it is no secret that this compound provides a great deal of muscle growth. Even at low dosages there are a multitude of anecdotal experiences stating significant muscle gains were made. When using a moderate to high dose, the user can expect to gain 2.5-5kg of muscle mass over a 2-month period.
  • Increased strength: LDG also increases strength. It has been stated that after a short period of taking this compound (1-3 weeks), it increases strength and power output, allowing the user to break through plateau’s and provide more stimulus for growth.
  • Fat loss: Due to this compound increasing muscle mass and anabolism in the body, it is less likely for you to have muscle breakdown occur and therefore indirectly increase fat burning because the body will use your fat stores as energy more regularly.
  • Increased Pumps/Vascularity: The user may maintain a more full and harder look while taking this compound, along with more vascularity. Though it should be noted that users can experience water retention when using this compound.
  • Feeling good: This compound has shown to increase energy in users and from the positive effects stated above, an increase in confidence and motivation will occur. No negative effects to mood of feeling occur.

It is important to be aware that just because SARMs do not produce common side effects of anabolic steroids, they do still have side effects that should be tested after a cycle and monitored throughout. It is also important to note that not everyone will experience the same side effects, some may experience minimal effects while others experience more significant ones.

Possible side effects of LGD-4033 include:

  • Testosterone Suppression: One of the most common side effects, nearly every individual who uses this compound will experience suppression of their natural testosterone production. This is why it is crucial to do an appropriate Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) after completing a cycle. A natural testosterone booster will not be sufficient, instead a compound such as nolvadex, clomid or a product containing these should be used.
  • Altered Liver Enzymes or Function: It has been shown in tests after an LGD-4033 cycle that individuals may experience some wear on their liver and sometimes altered enzyme levels.
  • Water Retention: Some individuals may experience water retention when using this compound and therefore it should not be used leading into events such as bodybuilding competitions where a dry look is required. This should be remembered when finishing a cycle as water weight will be dropped and it shouldn’t be confused with muscle loss.
  • Gyno: In some cases individuals have experienced gyno (tissue growth under the nipple) when using higher doses and not following appropriate PCT. This should be monitored when using LGD-4033 if it is a concern, and the correct PCT should be used.
  • Higher Cholesterol: Some individuals may experience heightened cholesterol. This should be taken into consideration when using LGD-4033 because in combination with a bad diet it could produce negative effects. Anyone with cholesterol problems may be best staying away from this compound
  • Higher Blood Pressure: Slight increase in blood pressure may occur due to the water retention caused. This should be monitored if it is a concern to the user.

When choosing dosage and cycle length it is important for the user to consider their own advancement in usage of Performance Enhancing Drugs (PED’s). If an individual has never used any PED’s then they will experience a great deal of progress from a lesser dosage compared to an advanced PED user, and the lower dosage the less side effects.


Dosage: 10-20mg taken once a day.

LGD-4033 has a half life of 12-24 hours and for this reason there is no need to spread the dosage over 2 times a day.

When deciding higher or lower end of this recommended dosage, simply weigh up the results to the side effects. The higher dose will provide the most muscle gain but likely come with more side effects and vice versa.

The most effective method to use when dosing throughout a cycle is to increase the dose as you go. Such as starting at 10-15mg for the first 8 weeks and then increasing to 15-20mg the final 4 weeks. This will ensure the user is growing at the same rate throughout the entire cycle opposed to plateauing early.

Cycle Length: 8-12 Weeks.

The reason for this is simply that stopping at 6 weeks will be selling yourself short for minimal to no reduction in side effects. When 8 weeks has been reached, muscle and strength gain can be assessed along with any side effects that may be present, and if continuing to a 12-week cycle would be appropriate.


When women are taking LGD-4033 it is important to be aware that they have other options that may better suit them due to having less androgenic effects (what causes man-like characteristics). So it may be beneficial to look into other compounds with a lower androgenic ratio such as RAD-140.

Dosage: 1-5mg taken once a day.

LDG-4033 has a half-life of 12-24 hours and for this reason there is no need to spread the dosage over 2 times a day.


Cycle Length: 8-12 Weeks.

The reason for this is simply that stopping at 6 weeks will be selling yourself short for minimal to no reduction in side effects. When 8 weeks has been reached, muscle and strength gain can be assessed along with any side effects that may be present, and if continuing to a 12-week cycle would be appropriate.

The most effective method to use when dosing throughout a cycle is to increase the dose as you go. Such as starting at 1-3mg for the first 8 weeks and then increasing to 3-5mg the final 4 weeks. This will ensure the user is growing at the same rate throughout the entire cycle opposed to plateauing early.



LGD-4033 is a very powerful compound that can allow individuals to progress massively in their fitness goals of muscle growth and strength gain within a small timeframe. It is important to consider the side effects that may be experienced when an individual is deciding whether to use LGD-4033. If an individual choses to do so, possible side effects should be monitored throughout their usage and appropriate measures should be taken post cycle such as implementing an effective PCT and possibly getting blood tested to look at their natural testosterone production, liver function and cholesterol.

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