lying cable curl

The lying cable biceps curl is a cable exercise that targets the biceps. It is performed lying on the back, either on a bench or the ground, with the feet facing toward a cable stack. This movement is usually performed for moderate to high reps for a burn and pump as part of an arm-focused workout.

  • Builds strength and size in the biceps
  • Lying down eliminates the possibility of using momentum from the lower body to raise the weight
  • The cables provide constant tension on the muscles
  • Serious biceps isolation if performed with strict form

Video Source: InstructionalFitness

  • Type: Strength
  • Main Muscle Worked: Biceps
  • Equipment: Cables
  • Level: Intermediate
  1. The lying cable curl is a good exercise for isolating the biceps. Set up for the exercise by attaching a straight bar to a low pulley cable and selecting the weight you want to use.
  2. Sit on the floor in front of the cable machine with your feet resting against it.
  3. Grip the bar with an underhand grip (palms facing up) at around shoulder width and lay back on the floor. Your body should be flat on the floor.
  4. Keeping your upper arms on the floor, slowly curl the bar up as far as possible.
  5. Squeeze the biceps, and then slowly lower the bar back to the starting position.


How to do lying cable curl