rad-140 (testolone)

SARMS Article - RAD-140 Testolone

It is to be made clear that Muscle Maker Supplements as well as any & all of our affiliates Do NOT recommend or condone the use of SARMS Such as RAD-140 (Testolone) or any other performance enhancing drugs as they are ILLEGAL to SELL or PURCHASE in Australia We believe that the use of ANY performance enhancing drug (PED) is entirely a personal decision & any and all information posted on Musclemaker.com.au is for research & entertainment purposes only!


RAD-140 otherwise known as Testolone is a SARM. It has gained large popularity in the fitness and bodybuilding industry because of its capabilities on drastically increasing muscle mass, strength and fat burning without common side-effects of anabolic steroids. It is often referred to as the most powerful SARM and is said by users to have the closest effects to anabolic steroids of all non-steroidal compounds.

RAD-140 also has a very low anabolic to androgenic ratio (80:1). This ratio means that is has a massive effect on anabolism (muscle building) while having an extremely low androgenic effect, allowing users to quickly gain a large amount of muscle and strength without enhancing man-like characteristics such as body/facial hair, voice changes and so on. This makes the compound extremely popular for enhanced women and men that do not want those effects.


As previously mentioned, RAD-140 is referred to as the most powerful SARM. It is used by individuals who want a large increase in lean muscle mass and strength while burning fat. Testolone

  • Increased Muscle Mass: Being the most powerful SARM, you can expect a large amount of muscle gain from RAD-140. It will result in slightly lesser weight/size gain than LDG-4033 but still provide around 2.5-5kg of muscle mass while making you leaner and hold less water, therefore at the cycles end you will look better.
  • Huge Strength Increase: The strength increases from taking this compound are some of the highest you can achieve from any SARM. Anecdotal experiences have recorded huge gains in strength
  • Fat Loss: RAD-140 has the capability to significantly burn fat while building muscle and increasing strength.
  • Low androgenic effects: As mentioned in the previous section, RAD-140 shows very low androgenic side effects. This means individuals can take this compound without producing man-like characteristics. This is specifically positive when women take the RAD-140 and when either men or women take it for a number of cycles.
  • Low Estrogenic effects: RAD-140 produces very little if any estrogenic effects. This means it will not produce gyno or increase water retention. Due to the correlation between increased water weight and high blood pressure, RAD-140 will likely not affect blood pressure when cycled. Though this does not mean there is zero chance of increased blood pressure, so it should be monitored throughout the cycle.
  • Huge Muscle Pumps: Muscle pumps while training will be massively better while cycling this compound, along with looking fuller, harder and more vascular during the day.
  • Great Feeling: RAD-140 has been said to elevate your mood, making you feel happier and more energetic. This is from simply taking the compound, not to mention the positive mentality and confidence that will come with the results users experience. Testolone
  • Testosterone Suppression: One of the most common side effects, nearly every individual who uses this compound will experience suppression of their natural testosterone production. This is why it is crucial to do an appropriate Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) after completing a cycle. A natural testosterone booster will not be sufficient, instead a compound such as nolvadex, clomid or a product containing these should be used. Rad-140 is one of the more suppressive SARMs so these precautions should definitely be followed.
  • Altered Liver Enzymes or Function: RAD-140 causes Minimal damage to the liver. When compared to its steroid alternatives, it is a much better option. Though this does not mean it is entirely safe, so after finishing a cycle the user should get a blood test to ensure correct function of the liver.
  • Blood pressure: RAD-140 may increase blood pressure in some individuals. Though due to it not causing water retention, it is far less likely do to so compared to other compounds such as LDG-4033. Though users should monitor this throughout their cycle as a precaution. Testolone
  • Cholesterol: RAD-140 has the potential to slightly decrease HDL (good cholesterol) and increase LDL (bad cholesterol). When weighing this up with the effects that anabolic steroids have on cholesterol (they most definitely have large negative effects) RAD-140 is of course the better option. This should be monitored throughout use and tested post cycle.

When choosing dosage and cycle length it is important for the user to consider their own advancement in usage of Performance Enhancing Drugs (PED’s). If an individual has never used any PED’s then they will experience a great deal of progress from a lesser dosage compared to an advanced PED user, and the lower dosage the less side effects. Testolone


Dosage: 20-30mg taken once a day.

RAD-140 has a half-life of 15-20 hours and for this reason there is no need to spread the dosage over 2 times a day.

Cycle Length: 8-12 Weeks.

The reason for this is simply that stopping at 6 weeks will be selling yourself short for minimal to no reduction in side effects. When 8 weeks has been reached, muscle and strength gain can be assessed along with any side effects that may be present, and if continuing to a 12-week cycle would be appropriate.

The most effective method to use when dosing throughout a cycle is to increase the dose as you go. Such as starting at 20mg for the first 8 weeks and then increasing to 30mg the final 4 weeks. This will ensure the user is growing at the same rate throughout the entire cycle opposed to plateauing early.


Dosage: 5-10mg taken once a day.

Though in the case of women who are competitors and looking to gain a lot of muscle, 15mg is the highest advised dose.

Cycle Length: 8-12 Weeks.

The reason for this is simply that stopping at 6 weeks will be selling yourself short for minimal to no reduction in side effects. When 8 weeks has been reached, muscle and strength gain can be assessed along with any side effects that may be present, and if continuing to a 12-week cycle would be appropriate. Testolone

The most effective method to use when dosing throughout a cycle is to increase the dose as you go. Such as starting at 5mg for the first 8 weeks and then increasing to 8-10mg the final 4 weeks. This will ensure the user is growing at the same rate throughout the entire cycle opposed to plateauing early.


RAD-140 is a very powerful compound that is near if not the top of the SARMs hierarchy. It can very effectively allow individuals to progress and surpass their fitness goals within building muscle, gaining strength and burning fat. It is important to consider the side effects that may be experienced when an individual is deciding whether to use RAD-140. If an individual choses to do so, possible side effects should be monitored throughout their usage and appropriate measures should be taken post cycle such as implementing an effective PCT and possibly getting blood tested to look at their natural testosterone production, liver function and cholesterol. Testolone

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