Top 6 Foods For Better Sleep

Top 6 Foods For Better Sleep

Read: Top 6 Foods For A Better Sleep.

What we eat and drink affects how we sleep but this doesn’t always have to be a bad thing. If you’re like us, you’ve unfortunately has to learn the hard way how a late night snack can keep you up at night! 

So we have made a list of the top 6 foods that will help you get a better sleep and get some quality shut-eye.


The complex carbs in oats act like a shuttle to get more of the sleep-inducing amino acid tryptophan into your brain where your body uses it to make sleep hormones melatonin and serotonin. Try a bowl when you need a late-night dinner. But skip the sweet instant stuff and opt for plain rolled oats for the most benefits.

2) Pumpkin Seeds

Small but mighty pumpkin seeds are rich in essential minerals like iron and zinc which help prevent pesky overnight wakeups and muscle-soothing magnesium. Snack on the seeds straight-up or use them as a crunchy topper for salads and soups.

3) Salmon

Salmon is one of only a few natural sources of omega-3s and vitamin D. Both nutrients play a role in regulating your sleep-wake cycle and help combat inflammation for more restful slumber and better daytime functioning. Aim for at least two to three servings of fish, especially fatty fish like salmon, every week. Not a fan of seafood? You may be able to reap similar sleep benefits from an omega-3 supplements.

You can find our range of Omega-3’s HERE.

4) Cherry Juice

Cherry Juice has anti-inflammatory properties combined with sleep-regulating melatonin may help you sleep better, according to a small 2010 study. The results suggest that tart cherry juice has similar effects as insomnia medications like valerian or melatonin on older adults.

5) Kiwi Fruit

Like cherries, the antioxidants in kiwis fight inflammatory free radicals that can sabotage sleep. They are also a good source of folate, which helps soothe restless legs, and are one of the only fruits with a high concentration of sleep-promoting serotonin.

Treat yourself to a kiwi or two an hour before bed to help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. Cut kiwis in half and scoop out the fruit with a spoon or eat them sliced with the skin on – no peeling required.

6) Chamomile Tea

This traditional sleep remedy gets its sedative-like effects from a type of flavonoid called apigenin. Apigenin binds to the GABA receptors in your brain to make you feel calm and sleepy. Make a soothing cup of chamomile tea a part of your bedtime routine for less tossing-and-turning.

We hope this article helped you learn more about the top 6 foods for a better sleep! If you thin we missed something or you need any advice relating to something mentioned above, leave a comment below!

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